Podiatry X-Ray Systems
Explore our line of Podiatry x-ray systems below. For more detailed product and service information or a quick quote, contact our team.
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Podiatry Industry | 20/20 Imaging
20/20 Imaging HF PXS-710 X-RAY
The PXS-710 was designed for superior imaging performance and convenient patient positioning for the Podiatry professional, as well as for Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Radiographic applications.
The PXS-710 incorporates a high-frequency generator to provide maximum mR/mAs, and has a microprocessor output of 70kV at 10mA. With its 0.5mm focal spot x-ray tube, and high output generator, the model PXS-710 provides exceptional image resolution and faster exposure times for foot and ankle radiography.
This x-ray unit can be used with conventional film screen technology*, or as a part of a complete Podiatry CR/DR-system. *Upgrade later to a 2020 CR or DR system!
Podiatry Industry | Rayence
Rayence XCel Podiatry X-Ray System
The DRPOD715-WCA + Xmaru1012WCA is the true flat panel x-ray detector wireless solution for the podiatry market. The DRPOD715-WCA + Xmaru1012WC provide podiatrists a smart and cost-effective way to upgrade their current x-ray systems to provide them with the many benefits of a DR workflow. In combination with industry-leading technical specifications and the post-processing algorithms, Rayence has established the benchmark for the quality solution today’s podiatrist have to come require.
- Eliminate the need to rotate the patient for the DP view
- Eliminate the need to rotate the arm for the AP view
- Eliminate the need to readjust the collimator lateral views
- Features the low voltage expose switch with optional remote key box
- Include features that can meet ADA guidelines
- Enable wheelchair patients to be easily accommodated without having to leave the wheelchair
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* denotes a required field.